Payment information is included in our newsletter below.
We need your help to fund the printing of our monthly newsletter.
Only $20 per year!
Join us on the 3rd Thursday of Odd Months. We meet at 7 PM in a home in the neighborhood for our by-monthly Civic Club Meeting. All are welcome to attend.
During even months (February, April, June, August, October, December) we have a neighborhood activity. Plant swaps, Happy hours, Christmas Party etc.. We are always looking for folks who would like to host.
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 7:24.pdf
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 6:24.pdf
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 5:23.pdf
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 4:23.pdf
Need a copy of one of our previous newsletters? Just email us with your request: thefondecivicclub@gmail.com
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 3:23.pdf
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 2:23.pdf
Fonde Civic Club Newsletter 1:23.pdf